It's taking me a little longer to get to work on the Quilt today.  I had to (virtually) stop off at the Lancaster County Poorhouse and collect Juliana Fox and elder John Fox.

In 1870 old John Fox is on the US Census with wife Clarrissa and Gentle Mary (whose forty).  And John's in the County Poorhouse.  Oh yeah, right in between two younger men, Frederick Shiveman and Martin Dickens.  Shiveman's from Bavaria and he can read and write but not vote.  And Dickens was born in Ireland and he's a US Citizen who can vote but he can't read or write.  John might be translating for all we know.  This is the third page of Poorhouse people the enumerator is tackling.  And the enumerator had been to the Lancaster County Hospital first.  Four and a half pages of various ailments battled through to get population information.  The Superintendent and his family start off the list.  J.O. Steinheiser is in his fifties and his Lydia keeps the house.  Little Ada A Steinheiser is only ten.

Lines 20-40 of the regular US Census 1870 for Lancaster County are listing hospital patients.  The next page gives us forty more people.  And the next are forty more to boot.  There's very little difference between the lists of the Lancaster County Hospital and the Lancaster County Poorhouse.  Image 5 gives us sixteen more lines of Hospital.  And then we bump into Elain Herr.  He's a thirty-six year old "steward."  His Anna M is 29 and Thaddeus R. is just two years old.  These Herrs take up lines 17, 18, and 19.

Line 20 is a Patricke McGraw, a middle-aged white man.  So there's 20 names on this sheet, forty more on the next, and on the third list of forty names we find Juliana.  She's sixty.  She can't read or write.

It's not until the next page when we come across John.  He's number 16 although he's seventy years old.

The names go on for another twenty or so lines until we get to Mary Stoveman.  She's only twenty-eight, just about the same age as Martin Dickens.

Then the enumerator is off to the Zimmermans.  Isaac, Catharine, and Anna.  Isaac's a laborer there in Lancaster.

John Fox is on a big list over in Green County that year too.  There's a household in Perry Township that puts him as the head of household with whose named as his wife in the 1880 census of this place.  Mary's forty in 1870 and there's a Samuel D. (9), John H. (7), Grant (5), Deford Fox is four years old and little Lindsay is about one year old.  And that's just the Fox on the list...there's a bunch of Dyes and a Bogus.  Jospeh Dye is 20 and Hope Dye is fifteen.  Elizabeth J. and Jasper are 13 & 7.  Selden Bogus is seventeen.

And we don't see Selden ten years later in the same place, but we do find Jasper Dye, he's defined as a step-son to old John Fox who is almost eighty in 1880.  But we do find a couple Williams (Eliza, 48 and George E. Williams whose a four year old).  Gentle Mary is up in her fifties on this list.  And Samuel Fox (19) is close in age to Jasper Dye as is John H. Fox (17).  But Julius S. Fox is the only fourteen year old because Lindsy Fox is only eleven.

"United States Census, 1880," index and images, FamilySearch (  accessed 15 JUNE 2013), John Fox, 1880.


Eti Fox is sixteen years old.  Lives in the household of John Fox whose almost thirty.  That household is dwelling # 73 on the enumerator's path, and they're family # 73.  On this Census of 1850 for Perry Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania we're looking at the schedule of Free Inhabitants (M432) and we can see that most of the families of free inhabitants had their own dwellings.  There are lots of farms with big groups of people and there are laborers who have smaller units of people per dwelling.
Following the Census Taker makes a path through the Township and from this path we can construct a sort of Perry Township (in 1850) directory.

We can access the path by going through a single record on FamilySearch.  We picked our Henry Fox's brother Eti Fox because his name is a little more unusual. 

"United States Census, 1850," index and images, FamilySearch ( accessed 15 JUNE 2013), Eti Fox in entry for John Fox, 1850.

There's Eti, he's about sixteen.  In House number 73, Family # 23.
John Fox is twenty-nine and there's a Catharine Fox...she's 49.  A Henry Fox who is 18 and only Mary is older at age 22 on the list of young people with John and Catharine.  We call her "Gentle Mary" but the enumerator ticked off the column that says Mary's deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper or convict.  James is next youngest to Eti on the list, he's fourteen.  Luerettia Fox is 12, Mary Ann is ten, and Malissa is six years old.  But she's not the kindergarten aged Malissa around here.  The enumerator is going to meet some other little girls later on this October day like the little Malissa Fox who hangs around Mary Gump's place to see what's going on.  The Malissa's would be sure to point out that Malissa is NOT Matilda.  The shoemaker's little girl?  That CHRISTINA, she's SEBEN like Sarah DelanA.  Sarah goes to school.

So does henry and Eti and James and LuerETTia.

And then the enumerator is off to the Headley farm; one of them.  Elias Headley is #74/74.  And it's possible that after he makes way for the next stop...wondering which way to go...Elisabeth Headley might have sent someone over to John Fox's place to be sure about this Census taking.

The (70) Causgrangs and (77) William Sunk seem to be not far off.  And then there's old Isaac Jackson he's like a hundred at seventy.  But he's dwelling #78/family 78).  The next family in the next abode is the young couple the's William and Elisa.  And 80/80 is more Headley.  Then Lemley and Abraham Teates and Alexander Henderson (83/83).

But go back, go back...If we were examining these records on microfilm we'd have to slow down the engines before coming to a STOP.  Or else we might snap the roll of film.

Eti's Head of House has a valuable property, it's either worth 4000 or 7000, it's hard to tell.  Sometimes the Census taker's writing looks slightly different as we follow along on his trail through the page.

We heard from the Cornerstone Genealogical Society that John Fox was "Captain John Fox," but it doesn't say that on the Census list.

#72/72 is Peter Fox.  He's a fifty year old laborer with no real estate value.  With him is Mary (40 yrs. old), Susanna who is eighteen and Jane who is either 13 or fifteen.  In the olden days people called young women who weren't married yet, "maidens" like people did in Europe and in Spain.

There's Causgrang's place, he's...70/70.

But 71/71...that's the OTHER Peter Fox.  He's with Sarah.  And the three children with them are littles.  Catharine is five, Christopher's three and Bassel, he's a boy, he's only one year old if that.

Then it's on to the Coons.  James and Rachel and Sophia.  Pretty name for a brand new baby newborn.  Uh-oh...they get recorded as 70/70 too.

Now we're going east/west/north/south????  The ink blots on the entry for where Benjamin Dulany was born.  Might have been VA or it might have been PA.  It was twenty-five years before.  He's with Sidney and a newborn named Ingraham.  He's a family #69.

George Fox gets listed as 65/65.  He's an aging laborer, born in NEW YORK (which was a different shape in 1850 than it was later in time).  The Nancy who dwells with him was born in Pennsylvania though, just like the Mary and George in house #65.

Next we come to eight or nine lines of ROSE.  Elisha's bunch.  They're 66/66.

And at last we get to our GRANDMOTHER MATILDA.  She's in dwelling visited number 67 with the long list enumerated as family #67.  There's William Fox (age 27), and EliZabeth (23), Jonathon Fox who is three and John Fox who is one like Bassel.  AND there's John DELANA, he's eight years older than Metilda who is forty.  There's another EliZabeth Delana who is twenty one, Pishna Delana (18), Margaret (17), Thomas is fourteen.  The next girl's name is not perfectly clear, it looks like Mesiah, she's 13.  When sublings are that close in age they get called "Irish Twins."  Sarah DELANA is ELEVEN and William DELANA a nine year old man.  John's just 7 years old though so he's not a man yet.  Jane-A DelanA is three and Isaac Delana is another one year old.

Sunk's place...that's 77/77.

Woodruff, Headley, Lemley, Teates, and Henderson.  Then we've got James King and Mary Gump and Mary Gump and James King.  There in #84.

But Mary Gump the third in a row she's 85/85 and sixty-four years old.  Lives nearby one of the little Malissa Fox girls in 86/86.

Elizah Fox is a farmer and he's with EliSabeth Fox, she's twenty-three.  Martha's seven and Benson is two.  Asker Fox is brandy new.

Then David Bare's in 87/87 and Richard and Lydda in 88.

The enumerator goes from 88/88 to 84/84 and then from 84/84 to 40/40.  That's George Buffey, farmer at age 25 in 84.  And then there's Marion, more Fox in 40/40 with the young in's David (2), William (2) and EliSabeth who is fourteen.

The Census pages are filling up.  Busee's in 41/41 and the Evans in 42/42.  There's Denley in 43/43 and Magaret Addison is almost eighty in 44/44.  There's a George Bare and a James Dunley, a Thomas Griffith in the numbers before another Evens at 88/88.

Phillip Barreck gets 99/99.  And Joseph Danley is the hundredth visitation.  Hard to believe this all happened on October 19th, 1850.  Which may be why the handwriting looks markedly different when the enumerator gets into the twenty/twenty's.  More headley and a Whiteland.  Daniel Masters and Thomas Wade, he's the farmer at 24/24.

Then we seem to come across a sawmill of one of the Sentees.  Might be John (23/23), might be David (22/22) or it might be James (18/18).  Presley Wade is a laborer with a family numbered 21.  And there's Simon Spitsnagle #20/20.  William Clovis comes up on the list just before James Sentee and David Lemley, both farmers.

Then there's Asbury and Rachel LemLA and Jeremiah LEMLA.  In 14/14 we find peter Phillips who is a farmer and who lives with a cooper.  William's the cooper.  And they all live right near David Canada and his clan.

Elizabeth Fuller is in between the two Canadas--David and David.

And Peter Mason is in 10/10.

C. Boydson is listed as a farmer.  He's fifty year old but he's #9 today.

John Phillips is after Boydson.  And then we get to the Oaks place.  Joseph and Abigail are the older couple, and, Joseph Commes and Margaret Oaks the younger.  They're all 7/7.

Jean Johnston is the first one on this batch of images of the US Census 1850--Sechedule of Free Inhabitants for Perry Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania.  He's dwelling #6/family #6.

The shoemaker?  Jean Johnston is a farmer in his twenties.  The shoemaker is Ezekel Jenkins and he's in his sixties but he's in dwelling #30 with DorAthe and a younger Ezekel, Charlotte who is twenty-one, a teenge Orlando, Mary and little Christina and a boy named Leroy.  They live next to the St. Clair's.  Mister St. Clair was born in Virginia and he has a Metilda too.

And in 32/32 is Milly Troy.  She can't read or write and she was born in Virginia, but she's with David (18) and Leroy (9) who CAN read and write and were born in Pennsylvania.

Jeremiah Roberts is 33/33 and Levi Anderson is 34/34.  It's A.L. Hughes in 35, also born in Virginia.  And next to them is the weaver, George Cox.  He was born in New York and he's literate but his Nancy is not.

Michaud and Cassina Snider...37/37
John Pyles...38/38
David Right (39/39) and David Amons (40/40)

It's LEWIS Pyles in #41 and Patent Wright in forty-two.

Mary Stonking is 43/43, Joshua Pyles with family 44.  Zack Pyles is 45/45.  And it's more Headleys in 46.  JEREMIAH WRIGHT in 47.

48/48 is Abraham AMENS.  Then there's more Lemley; some Grinnage; a John Cowel; and Sarah Stewart and A. Stewart have two different numbers, 52/52 and 53/53 respectively.  H. Cross is in #54 and Wash Stephens holds the record at 55/55.

56/56...I don't know.

But 57/57 is Jonathon Delana who is a 55 year old farmer with a real estate value of 1200.  His Eliza, Alfred, and Jane are illiterate like Massi and Rode but William is fifteen and in school.  Their matilda is eleven.

In 58/58 is ABRAHAM Delana.  He can't read or write either but has a house full of children in school.  Susannah is close in age to Abraham.  But Sharlotte is 23 years younger at thirteen.  They have a John Delana (11), a Samuel Delana (9) and a bright young in school Sarah Delana (she's only seven).  There's also Persey who is a five year old boy and "Mg" a three year old girl.  The newborn in here (family #58) is about five months old since this is still October.  And these folks live with Sarah Lemley who is almost eighty.  LEMLEY.

Its Headley in 61/61 and B. Fordice in #60.

LEMLEY (59/59)...Samuel, Margaret, Jacob, Morris or Moses, Sarah, Samuel and Jeremiah (he's FOUR).

__ __ __ __ __  __ --Lara Lynn Lane, 15 JUNE 2013

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