Joseph Newton Fox

We have our notes from a November 2012 internet correspondence with Lori in Arizona.

I love this stuff.  At that time Lori in Arizona was working on connecting the last two wives of Joseph Newton Fox.  She was in communications with a Diane who found herself a G-G-G-G of Joseph Newton Fox...related to Elenor "Elsey" Dobbins.

Lori was trying to look through the multitude of John Fox-es and place the appropriate children with their respective children.  They were also in search of those buried at a Fox cemetery in Fox Run.

She also forwarded rootsweb information RE:  FOX PAGRE Emily Sac and the Sachems (the Indian Princess).

They'd gotten a hold of family tree and Census records from 1850 and backwards.  So we tailored our Fox research more towards 1850-1900 which worked well for us to do because we were working backwards from Elias Fox and his father Henry Fox (1831-1898) over in Miracle Run, West Virginia.  You can click the link below to get over to that part of our web cluster.

Joseph Newton Fox

Joseph was the eldest of the three FUCHS brothers--Joseph, Peter, and Phillip (born 1753 or 1758, 1755, 1760 respectively) born in "New Jersey."

Joseph Fox's birth and death dates come to us from his Revolutionary War Pension Papers.

JOSEPH married Emily (Sac) about 1778/80. Emily, Sac--The daughter of Chief White Eyes.  Chief White Eyes was of the Delaware Lenape, Turtle Clan from New Jersey.  Joseph and Emily had the children Elizabeth Betty (born in 1781), an as yet unknown Fox child possibly born in 1783, Mary who came along in 1785, and Martin Peter (born in 1790).

[Unclear in my notes] There was a child born in New Jersey in 1779/80 but died on the 11th of November 1875 in Perry Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania.

JOSEPH married again in 1789 to Miss Jane "Jennie" Wilson in Morgantown, Pennsylvania (per John Walter Fox 1900-1991 from Jocelyn in Ohio).  Morgantown, PA is in Carnavon Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania.

JOSEPH and Jane had children...

Looks like Martin came first on the 2nd of August 1790 in Perry Township.

And Isaac came in 1793.

Rebecca in '94.

Charity (Catharine) was born in 1799

The new millennium--1800--brought JOHN HUDSON FOX.

And in October of 1803 James Wilson Fox joined the family.

Two years later Joseph in 1805.

It was Joseph Newton Fox and Jane "Jennie" Wilson, apparently, who were buried in Fox Run Cemetery on Fox Run about 3 miles NW of Mount Morris.  But not before Joseph Newton Fox married for a thrid time...

To Elsey Eboner Dobbins.

"Elsey"  became a GGG in this research through her marriage to Joseph Newton and their children:

Lot was born in 1837.

George in 1841.

And Elisha rounded out Joseph Newton's children list in 1848.

Lori in Arizona finds Joseph Fox on the Whiteley Township, Green County US Census 1800.  That year the Census didn't list individual names besides the Head of Household, in this case, Joseph Fox.  And there are seven people with him.  1 male under ten years old; 1 male 10-16 years old; 1 male 56 and over; 2 females under ten; 1 female 10-16 years old; and 1 female 26-45.  This Census snapshot is on Series M32, Roll 40, page 15.

Keep in mind that these early Censuses do not tell us kinship or relationship.

Right next door to Joseph Fox is...
(1800 US Census) Peter Fox
2 females under ten
1 female age 10-16
1 female 45 and over
2 males under ten
1 male 10-16
1 male 45 and over

In ten years from 1800 we get another snapshot...(Series M52, Roll 49, page 40) Whiteley Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania.
(1810 US Census) Joseph Fox
2 females under ten
2 females 16-26
1 female 45 and over
1 male 10-16
1 male 45 and over

Lori's research also turned up Joseph Newton Fox on Whiteley Township Tax Lists.  In 1820 Joseph Newton Fox owned 200 acres of land, a house, a cabin, one horse, one cow and a dog.


  1. Hi Lori, May husband Ron Fox is a descendant of Joseph Fox. We have been reading about Joseph and came across your blog. Today we were in Mt. Morris hoping to locate the grave . We found the general area but not the grave. I just thought I would reach out to you. Feel free to contact us if you wish. I am on Facebook under Tanis Fox.

  2. I am also interested in the location of Joseph Newton Fox's grave. He is my 4x great grandfather. I am descended thru his son James Wilson Fox. Thank you for the information that you have shared.

  3. I am a direct descendant of Joseph Newton Fox and Jennie Wilson Fox through their daughter, Rebecca Fox, who married Levi Berdine. I have visited Joseph Fox's grave numerous times, and plan to do so again. To locate the grave: From Mt. Morris, PA, take Rt. 19 N. At the last intersection before leaving Perry Twp., turn left onto Haines Hill Rd. (T-388), which is a dirt road. Follow this road .7 mile to a crossroad. Go straight through the crossroads, and proceed 2.6 miles to a double-wide trailer on the right. Right behind the trailer is a footbridge that crosses a narrow run. After crossing it, go straight up the ridge, through the high grass (take a machete with you). Not very far up is a flat knoll where the graveyard is. Beware though- the last time I tried to visit the graveyard, a few years ago, the owner of the double trailer would not let me pass. He was a real son of a bitch, and denied there was a cemetery there. After shooting off his shotgun in the air a couple of times, I backed off. If it happens to you, call the sheriff. Burial grounds maintained by the DAR are supposed to be open to all descendants of the veteran. Btw, I have written a detailed 140-page biography in my book, "Berdine and Snodgrass: An American Pioneer Family." For more information, if needed, feel free to call my cell phone at 856-261-3151. Tom Lowe

  4. I forgot to mention that the 140-page biography I wrote, is of course on Joseph Fox.
